This exhibition is a bit different from others. It is not just a display of beautiful and valuable works from a high-quality art collection, it is rather a kind of playing field: an opportunity for a deeper understanding and more substantial enjoyment of images.

Every picture on the wall is like a chessboard. They have a frame. They are divided into fields. Figures appear on them. There are light and dark moments. One is only possible because the other is there—and vice versa. They negate and complement each other at the same time: they form a closed system, a single “world” of their own.


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 Each picture is a “game” on that chessboard-like field, played by • the plane vs the space,

  • the figure vs the background,

  • the curve vs the straight line,

  • the static vs the dynamic,

  • the filling vs the gap,

  • the sharp vs the soft,

  • symmetry vs asymmetry,

  • the pale vs the intense,

  • colours vs colours and with colourlessness,

and the list goes on.

Understanding an image means recognising the rules it follows, or violates, while looking at it. Anyone who only glances at the picture are misled by an illusion as if one has seen the whole. But the picture does not only reveal something, but always conceals something else too. A good picture is like a good game of chess: a complex, manifold constellation of simple moves that demands deep attention to be played through.


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Opening Hours

Tuesday ‒ Friday: 09:00 ‒ 17:00
Friday ‒ Monday: 10:00 ‒ 20:00
